
4 Tips for Applying Custom Graffiti to Your Model Trains

4 Tips for Applying Custom Graffiti to Your Model Trains

Trains have long been a popular canvas for graffiti art. Adding custom graffiti to your model trains can make them look more authentic; it's also a fantastic way to personalize your collection and bring an extra touch of creativity to your layout. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned hobbyist, Midwest Model Railroad is here to provide you with valuable tips for applying custom graffiti to your model trains.

Plan and Gather Inspiration

Before you start applying graffiti to your model trains, you need to plan your design and gather inspiration. Browse magazines, online galleries, or even real-world graffiti to find ideas that resonate with your vision. Sketch out your designs on paper or use digital tools to get a better idea of how they’ll look on your trains. Planning ahead will help you achieve the desired outcome and ensure a smoother application process.

Choose Your Technique and Tools

There are several techniques and tools you can use to add graffiti to model trains. One popular method is to use decals. Decals come in various designs and sizes, allowing you to easily apply them to different parts of the train. However, make sure you choose decals that will fit your train. For example, if you have n-scale rolling stock sets, you'll want to look for decals specifically made for this type of train model.

Another technique is hand painting, which involves using fine brushes and acrylic paints to create unique graffiti designs directly on the train's surface. This method requires more skill and precision but still allows you to create intricate details and custom artwork.

Additionally, there’s airbrushing, which involves using an airbrush tool to spray paint onto the train. This technique is especially useful for creating large-scale graffiti designs or adding gradient effects.

If you want to add graffiti to your model trains, Midwest Model Railroad has the high-quality supplies you need to do so, including paints, brushes, and decals. Shop today or contact us for assistance in finding the essentials for your project—we’d love to help!

Practice on Scrap Materials

If you're new to graffiti art, it's a good idea to practice on scrap materials before working directly on your model trains. Use spare train cars, plastic sheets, or any other suitable materials to get comfortable with your chosen paint markers and practice your technique. This way, you can refine your skills and experiment without having to worry about ruining your prized models.

Seal and Protect Your Artwork

If you choose to hand paint or airbrush graffiti onto your model train, you’ll want to apply a protective sealant or varnish once the paint is dry. This will help prevent chipping, fading, and damage caused by handling or environmental factors. Choose a sealant that’s compatible with the type of paint you're using, and follow the manufacturer's instructions for the best results.

By following these tips for applying custom graffiti to your model trains, you'll be well on your way to adding unique and eye-catching artwork to your model trains. You’ll be able to transform them into captivating pieces that showcase your artistic expression and bring an extra layer of authenticity to your model railroad layout.

27th Jun 2023 Midwest Model Railroad

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