Essential Tips for Storing Your Model Trains Properly
Model railroaders invest significant energy, time, and expenses into their craft. It’s typical for a model railroader to develop a collection of structures, from N scale model trains to HO rolling stock and other scenery materials from each project.
When it’s time to showcase your models or there’s excess supply from a layout, it’s important to properly store your train models to preserve their quality. Explore these essential tips for storing your model trains properly to maintain the quality of your rolling stock and supplies for future projects.
Box Storage
It’s best practice to keep model trains stored in their original boxes for regular storage. The original packaging helps keep the train, tracks, and other structures in place for long-term storage. Be careful to store only one train per box and ensure there’s ample room inside.
Styrofoam Housing
The Styrofoam housing that comes with model trains helps keep them in place inside of their box. It’s important to avoid placing your model train or accessories loose in storage because movement could break them inside of the box. Foam cradles also make it easier to store model trains next to each other.
Acid-Free Tissue Paper
One of the most essential tips for storing your model trains properly is wrapping them properly. Use acid-free tissue paper to keep the wrap from becoming brittle and discoloring the model. Avoid using newspaper because the ink can stain your model. In addition, avoid using plastic bubble wrap because it can remove decals or leave a circular imprint.
Climate-Controlled Space
It’s important to store your train models in a climate-controlled environment to avoid damage from temperature fluctuations. These fluctuations can melt plastic from the heat or cause locomotive issues from the cold. Excess moisture in the environment can also corrode metal components of your train models and damage the exterior packaging.
It’s best to store train models where you run them inside of your home. If you’re limited to the garage or attic, consider placing a dehumidifier inside the space to help regulate the fluctuating environment.
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